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Warts are caused by a virus infection that gets into your skin. When people think of warts they think of Plantar Warts, which are warts that occur on the bottom of the foot and become painful to walk on.

Foot with wartsA plantar wart can be seen as hard spot on your foot that may be discolored and may have a different consistency than the normal skin on your foot. Warts can also happen on the top of the foot, on the toes and between the toes. It is important to treat warts quickly because they are a viral infection and can spread to other areas on your body or to other areas on the same foot.

The most common way to get a wart is to step into an area such as the shower, the beach, or other areas where the virus may be present, and the virus is able to attach to your foot. Sometimes you can treat the wart yourself using one of the remedies available in the local pharmacy, but other times the warts can be more stubborn and require the attention of a Podiatrist.

There are many ways to treat a wart, and the best way will depend upon the location of the wart, the size of the wart, and other factors.

When you visit Dr Brody, he will work with you to determine the best way to treat your warts.

It is important to know that not every hard spot on the bottom of your foot is a wart, If you have tried treating your wart at home and it is not going away, it is important to see a doctor and have it evaluated to find out if it is really a wart. Corns, foreign bodies, and even skin cancer can be mistaken for a wart.

If you think you have a wart on your foot call Dr Brody today for an evaluation of your foot and to have treatment designed to get rid of your wart.