Plantar Fasciaitis happens when you strain your arch. The Plantar Fascia is the strong band that goes from your heel to your toes that acts as a spring to help support your arch. When that band is stretched too far it can develop small tears. This tearing process is very painful and is known as Plantar Fasciaitis or heel spur pain. 
For many with Plantar Fasciaitis the pain is worst when you first get out of bed in the morning or if you stand up after sitting for a period of time. This is because when you are not using your foot, the Plantar Fascia has a chance to start healing these tears and then when you step down you destroy all of the healing that has taken place. After a few minutes of walking, you have re-torn all of the areas that healed so the sharp pain lasts a few minutes then is not as bad.
The first step in treating Plantar Fasciaitis is to reduce the strain on the Plantar Fascia. This is typically done with a device that will support the arch, known as an orthotic. Injections can be used to help when the pain is especially strong and oral medications can help to reduce the pain and swelling while the Plantar Fascia is healing.
If you are experiencing heel pain when first getting out of bed in the morning that works itself out after a few minutes you probably have Plantar Fasciaitis. There is no need to live witih this pain. Visit Dr Brody and lets work together to allow you to walk comfortably again.